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participant since 6/12/2024

Yasmin Rahman, APRN, FNP-C

98.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 58 ratings

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About Yasmin Rahman:

Yasmin Rahman is a Family Nurse Practitioner who joined Hill Country OB/GYN for her dream job to provide holistic and individualized care to patients. She values and prioritizes patient education when it comes to addressing the needs of patients and has a passion for women's health.

A Texan native, Yasmin completed her Bachelor’s of Arts in Combined Science at St. Mary’s University in 2015 and her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing at the UT Health Science Center of San Antonio in 2016. She worked as a Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery setting around Texas for 6 years before completing her Master’s of Science in Nursing at Texas Woman’s University and became a licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with her certification in Family Health in 2022.

Yasmin was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and has also lived in Austin, Dallas, and Houston before making Buda her home. Yasmin is fluent in Spanish, enjoys family get togethers, game nights with friends, and considers herself an avid fantasy book reader. Yasmin is married and her and her husband are parents to two cats they adopted from Austin Pets Alive! named Ginny and Albus.

Contact This Provider

9805 Brodie Ln Austin, TX 78748

13830 Sawyer Ranch Rd #101 Dripping Springs, TX 78620

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