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participant since 8/24/2015

Zak Koban, PA-C

94.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 507 ratings

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About Zak Koban:

Zak Koban is a Board Certified Physician Assistant in Wexford, Pennsylvania. Zak is trained in a wide range of surgical and non-surgical procedures including surgical procedures of the face, breast, and body, injectable fillers, skin care services, Botox, Dysport, ablative laser treatments, and other light-based treatments for skin rejuvenation. He has also completed sub-surgical specialty training in general, orthopedic, vascular, neurosurgery, and plastic surgery. Zak is known for creating naturally beautiful results for his patients and his knowledge, and focus on achieving his patient’s cosmetic goals has made him highly sought after in the aesthetic field.

Zak is both NCCPA Board Certified and Pennsylvania State Licensed. He graduated with his Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Health Sciences at Saint Francis University and received his Master’s Degree in Physician Assistant Sciences, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and was named a Congressional Nomination Recipient. Zak remains committed to the education and development of future Physician Assistants by acting as a preceptor for students who are training to become physician assistants. 

Contact This Provider

14000 Perry Highway, Suite 300 Wexford, PA 15090

100 Siena Drive, Suite 295 Pittsburgh, PA 15241

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