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participant since 04/15/2021

A New Life ObGyn of Broward

95.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 2341 ratings

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Based on 2341 ratings
5 Stars (1969)
4 Stars (301)
3 Stars (33)
2 Stars (26)
1 Star (12)
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Educated me
Wait time
Value for the price
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About A New Life ObGyn of Broward:

Our Mission...

To partner with women, to compassionately and respectfully provide them with excellent care and to empower them to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Our Vision...

To be the most compassionate and caring practice providing general gynecologic care, customized weight loss, pelvic therapy, and bio-identical hormone replacement in Broward County, Florida.

Our Practice...

More so than any other medical specialties, obstetrics and gynecology requires open communication to establish mutual understanding, respect, confidence, and trust. We foster an open-minded approach, allowing patients input into their healthcare decisions.

Contact This Practice

220 SW 84th Ave Plantation, FL 33324

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