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participant since 4/8/2021

Abby Krembs, PA-C

96.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 942 ratings

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About Abby Krembs:

Abby Krembs is a nationally board certified physician assistant specializing in OBGYN and emergency medicine. Abby is a native Neapolitan, growing up in Naples and returning after her post graduate studies. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree from Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida and earned her Masters in Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Nova South Eastern University.

She joined our practice full time after working in the local Naples Community Hospital Emergency Departments. She sees all new obstetrics patients and is interested in adolescent gynecology, including first exams and contraceptive management. Her interests outside of work include spending time with her husband and immediate family that live locally in Naples.

Contact This Provider

1660 Medical Blvd Suite 300 Naples, FL 34110

90 Cypress Way E Suite 40 Naples, FL 34110

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