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participant since 11/5/2015

Ardeth Arman, RN

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 151 ratings

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About Ardeth Arman:

Ardeth started her nursing career as a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse working five years with fragile infants and their families. In 2006 Ardeth transitioned to an independent clinical setting performing the technical and meticulous art of Sclerotherapy and is now a National Trainer for Sclerotherapy. In addition to her specialty of Sclerotherapy, Ardeth's additional training includes PALETTE Facial Aesthetic Training for Injectable Agents and extensive laser training. In addition,  Ardeth was awarded the Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist (CANS) an advanced certification validating her specialty knowledge through a rigorous national examination. Ardeth has been extensively trained for many of the multiple treatments offered by Aestheticare.

Contact This Provider

11100 Ash Street, Suite 210 Leawood, KS 66211

3510 Clinton Place, Suite 120 Lawrence, KS 66047

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