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participant since 2/19/2021

Ashley C. Andersen, MD

94.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 514 ratings

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About Ashley Andersen:

Dr. Andersen was born and raised in the Twin Cities. She earned her undergraduate degree at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. In medical school at the University of Minnesota, she quickly realized that specializing in OBGYN was a natural fit for her career. She works hard to form meaningful, long lasting relationships with her patients. Her goal is to empower women to listen to their bodies and take control of their own healthcare no matter what stage of life they are in. She is passionate about caring for women of all ages, from puberty through pregnancies and menopause.

Dr. Andersen completed her residency, serving as chief resident in her final year, at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. There, she excelled in her program while learning to work with a diverse and medically-complex patient population.

Her professional interests include high risk obstetrics, minimally invasive surgery, adolescent care, and contraceptive management. Dr. Andersen understands the importance of practicing holistic medicine and believes in getting to know her patients as a whole while she works to find a treatment plan best suited for them. She also loves to talk about diet and exercise (and has great recipes to share!) in the hopes of helping her patients achieve their fitness goals. She is excited to be back in Minnesota and to build her practice here.

Dr. Andersen and her husband, Jonathan, are die-hard Vikings and Wild fans and have learned to forget about heartbreaking losses by staying active outdoors or at the gym. They love to spoil their golden retriever, Nola, who they adopted in New Orleans.

Medical School:

University of Minnesota Medical School

Residency Program:

Tulane Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana


American College of Obstetrical and Gynecology (ACOG),
American Medical Association (AMA)

Dr. Andersen sees patients at our Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, and Chaska clinic sites.

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