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participant since 04/22/2020

Capital Women's Care: Division 59

97.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 353 ratings

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Providers at this practice:
Issam Daya, MD Issam Daya, MD
345 Ratings
About, locations & contact info

About Capital Women's Care: Division 59:

In 1998, seven of the finest local OB/GYN practices joined together to form Capital Women's Care. Today, with over 55 locations in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, we are the largest and most successful private OB/GYN practice in the mid-Atlantic region. We are proud of our standards of clinical excellence that result from the exchange of ideas and information between physicians across the region.

Our Mission

The providers of Capital Women's Care seek the highest quality medical and ethical standard in an environment that nurtures the spirit of caring for every woman.

What makes Capital Women’s Care unique?

Our premier group consists of more than 200 physicians, nurse practitioners, physician's assistants and certified nurse midwives. Together, we offer choices for obstetric, gynecologic, and specialized women’s health care services. The Capital Women's Care network enables rapid coordination with specialists to address your individual medical needs, including second opinions, oncology services, high risk pregnancy care, ultrasounds and surgical procedures. Surgical Centers providing outpatient gynecological surgery and osteoporosis screening have been established to provide immediate access to the latest medical technologies.

Contact This Practice

8601 LaSalle Road, Suite 102 Towson, MD 21286

2227 Old Emmorton Rd STE 121 Bel Air, MD 21015

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