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participant since 1/7/2021

David S. Stewart, MD

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 648 ratings

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About David Stewart:

In 1992, Dr. Stewart relocated to the Gainesville area to marry his wife, Lori. Since then, Dr. Stewart has practiced medicine in Gainesville, Florida, and served as an Associate Professor in the University of Florida’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 2002 to 2012.

When asked what his favorite thing about being a doctor, Dr. Stewart answered, “The long-term relationships that I develop with my patients. OBGYN is a happy field – patients are happy to come see a doctor they have seen over many years and possibly through one or more pregnancies.”

Dr. Stewart is guided by the medical philosophy, “I’m not here to make decisions for my patients; I believe I’m here to help patients make the best decisions for themselves.”

Dr. and Mrs. Stewart have three children, a son and two daughters. Chad, the oldest, also practices medicine and is an internal medicine physician. The Stewart family with their two daughters, Chloe and Carly, lives on their farm in Alachua.

In his freetime, Dr. Stewart and Lori enjoy long through the country roads on their Harley Davidson motorcycle. Dr. Stewart also likes visiting the beach with his family, going out to dinner with his wife, gardening, and riding his tractor. The farm is a real farm and is home to Anatolian dogs, chickens, a horse, and chinchillas.

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