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participant since 1/29/2020

Denise B. Pecht, MD, FACOG

98.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1164 ratings

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About Denise Pecht:

Dr. Denise Pecht has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 25 years, and has been practicing strictly Gynecology since 2004. Dr. Pecht has always been passionate about helping people and solving problems – becoming a medical doctor was the most natural career move for her.

Dr. Pecht earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education at University of Tennessee (don’t let that fool you, she is and will always be a UGA fan – GO DAWGS!). She received her Medical Degree from Louisiana State University Medical School, and completed her residency at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado.

She is inspired daily by her patients and her team at GPHW, and has enjoyed building relationships throughout her entire career. With her passionate and go-getter attitude, she works hard to ensure her patients are well taken care of and that their healthcare needs are met.

Dr. Pecht was born and raised in Gwinnett County (Lawrenceville to be exact). She has been married since 1979 to her husband, Tom, and they have two grown children (and one son-in-law) – Britt, Adam and Ryan. She enjoys reading, shopping and Pilates. But most of all, she loves to try new things, whether it’s hiking, sailing or eating at a new restaurant. You will not ever find her sitting still, and you certainly will not see her retire any time soon!

Contact This Provider

601A Professional Dr #260 Lawrenceville, GA 30043

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