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participant since 1/12/2023

Emily Oberst, FNP-C

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 679 ratings

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About Emily Oberst:

As a Michigan native, Emily grew up in Marshall and moved to Lansing in 2004. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Spring Arbor University and worked in the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital while teaching prenatal classes for Expectant Parenting Organization. Emily then returned to Spring Arbor University to earn her Master of Science degree and became a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Her experience has included emergency medicine, critical care, health and wellness, education, and urgent care.

Emily’s special areas of interest include creating a strong relationship with her patients and assisting them in achieving optimal health and comfort, contraceptive options, vaginitis, education, and working with adolescent and teenage patients.

Emily is happily married and enjoys spending time with her husband, Nick, and two wonderful boys. They are often found ski patrolling, mountain biking, rock climbing, wake surfing and traveling with extended family.

Contact This Provider

1560 Turf Ln East Lansing, MI 48823

1100 S Cedar St suite 2 Mason, MI 48854

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