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participant since 7/13/2018

Grace Kong, MD

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1569 ratings

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About Grace Kong:

Dr. Grace Kong is a graduate of a highly competitive combined undergraduate and medical school program at the University of California Riverside and University of California Los Angeles. She completed her residency at Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center, where she was recognized for excellence in teaching and surgical skills. She has also been awarded by Saddleback Memorial Medical Center for physician and patient communication.

"The ability to provide lifetime continuity of care, along with the incessant joy and excitement of bringing new life into the world were the main reasons I pursued a career in obstetrics and gynecology."

Having lived in various parts of Southern California throughout her lifetime, she is now very happy to call Orange County her home. She is married with a daughter and son, and enjoys spending her free time baking and learning photography.

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