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participant since 3/26/2024

Gretchen A. Soberay, DO

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 198 ratings

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About Gretchen Soberay:

As a child growing up in Minnetonka and Victoria, Dr. Soberay always thought she would become a pediatrician. When she started rotations in medical school she found she not only adored young people, but also found joy caring for people of all ages. While Dr. Soberay considered becoming an Ob/gyn, she hated surgery with a passion. She thought about sports medicine, but really didn’t like football fields in November. While doing her family medicine clinicals in rural Iowa, she found her calling. She could deliver babies, go round in the nursing home, and then be the sideline doc for an indoor basketball game later that evening. Family Medicine was indeed her passion.

After medical school at Kansas City Universtiy, she completed her family medicine residency at North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale with a focus in both sports medicine and obstetrics.

Dr. Soberay spent many years delivering babies, covering the sidelines at local high schools, and doing both inpatient and outpatient medicine for 2 hospital systems in the metro area. As often happens when someone is running in several different directions and very focused on their career, they run into something, or someone, who takes them a bit offtrack. While hanging out in physician lounges waiting to meet her future interventional cardiologist husband, she met the ortho rep. Three kids later, Dr. Soberay and her husband, Tom, have settled into a slightly less chaotic routine. Dr. Soberay is no longer running between clinic and hospitals, but between hockey and softball games, while trying her best to get in plenty of golf and cabin time.

Dr. Soberay comes to the group incredibly excited for this new opportunity to provide primary care to OBW patients. Dr. Soberay has a true passion for caring for women and adolescents. Her interests include the full spectrum of family medicine including adolescent health, chronic disease, sports medicine, and weight loss/diet/exercise counseling. She especially enjoys making personal connections with her patients. It is those personal connections, in her opinion, that truly lead to the best care.

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