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participant since 4/17/2020

Harvey H. Kasner, MD, MBA, FACOG, FACS

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1103 ratings

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About Harvey Kasner:

I am originally from the “Jersey Shore” and earned my medical degree from Rutgers University’s – New Jersey Medical School. I have been in practice in Maryland since 1997. Since that time, the healthcare environment has significantly changed. Due to these rapid changes, I obtained a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a Focus in Medical Management. As a result, I feel I am uniquely trained to better position our practice to provide the most comprehensive and highest quality care to our patients. I currently serve as an Instructor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and am actively involved in teaching and training the next generation of physicians.

“My goal is to bring happiness to my patients, from delivering your children to providing personal care throughout your lives.”

It has been a very exciting year for our family. My wife Cindy and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Our oldest son, Matt is currently in law school. Our youngest son, Andrew is attending the University of Maryland – College Park, majoring in Finance.

In my free time, I enjoy indoor cycling (Peloton) and indoor rowing. I am an avid skier always looking forward to the upcoming season.

Contact This Provider

100 West Road, Suite 404 Towson, MD 21204

5 Park Center Court, Suite 303 Owings Mills, MD 21117

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