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participant since 10/26/2020

Julie Lupa, WHNP-BC

99.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1524 ratings

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About Julie Lupa:

Ms. Julie Lupa has been practicing as a nurse since 1984, and received her Nurse Practitioner (NP) in Women’s Health Certification in 2003. After she worked hard for a 4.0 in her undergrad Nursing program, she decided she had a career in this field, and continued to get her Master’s Degree from Emory University.

After working in the Labor and Delivery and High Risk Perinatal Unit at DeKalb Medical Center and Northside Hospital, she felt called to this career to work with women. She thoroughly enjoys working with her patients and their families, as well as hearing their life stories.

Julie is inspired daily by her faith, family and friends. She has three adult children – Andrea, John and Joe. If she isn’t with her family, you can find her enjoying a handful of hobbies that keep her busy. Julie is an incredible knitter, volunteer and world-traveler. Next time you are in the office – ask her about her future travels!

Contact This Provider

601A Professional Dr #260 Lawrenceville, GA 30043

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