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participant since 11/22/2022

Kimberly McConnell, CNM, APRN, MSN

93.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 334 ratings

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About Kimberly McConnell:

Kim earned her Masters of Science in nursing with focus on midwifery from Frontier Nursing University in 2018. She worked as a medical/surgery nurse for 2 years, a labor and delivery nurse for 3 years, and a nurse midwife for almost 2 years. She is originally from Leesburg, GA but has lived in the North Georgia Mountains and Florida previously. Kim and her family moved to Panama City for a change in lifestyle and are excited to call it their new forever home! She has future plans to return to school for her Doctorate of Nursing Practice and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner certificate.

Kim has 3 grown children, lots of pets, and has been married for 24 years. She enjoys going to the beach (one of the main reasons that brought her back to Florida), saltwater fishing, boating, kayaking, and camping. Kim is passionate regarding her desire to provide the very best evidence-based care to all women with shared decision making for their care throughout their lifetime.

Contact This Provider

103 E 23rd St Panama City, FL 32405

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