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Practice Scorecard

participant since 11/22/2022

Emerald Coast OBGYN

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 7312 ratings

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Based on 7312 ratings
5 Stars (6380)
4 Stars (739)
3 Stars (93)
2 Stars (67)
1 Star (33)
Provider's bedside manner
Medical support team
Admin staff
Care & concern
Educated me
Wait time
Value for the price
Facility & amenities
Likelihood to recommend
Likelihood to return
Providers at this practice:
Kimberly Bain, MD Kimberly Bain, MD
767 Ratings
Henry Breland, MD Henry Breland, MD
476 Ratings
Jacob Martin, MD Jacob Martin, MD
697 Ratings
Heather Pate, DO Heather Pate, DO
476 Ratings
Toni Pennington, MD Toni Pennington, MD
905 Ratings
George Ramie, DO George Ramie, DO
666 Ratings
Samuel Wolf, DO Samuel Wolf, DO
861 Ratings
About, locations & contact info

About Emerald Coast OBGYN:

We are a dedicated medical care team specializing exclusively in women’s health services. Our team of 6 board certified physicians, and 7 advanced practice registered nurses (4 with nurse midwife certifications) are dedicated to providing personalized, professional, and state-of-the-art medical care to our valued patients. You will also be pleased with the friendly service provided by our administrative team.

Contact This Practice

103 E 23rd St Panama City, FL 32405

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