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Kirk J. Matthews, Jr., MD, FACOG

97.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 1391 ratings

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About Kirk Matthews, Jr.:

Dr. Kirk Matthews, Jr. joined Wilkerson OB/GYN on August 1, 2014. Dr. Matthews attended the University of Georgia and earned an undergraduate degree in Biology. He received his Medical Degree from the University of Tennessee. Immediately following, Dr. Matthews completed his residency at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA., where he was elected chief administrative resident by the faculty and his peers and received various awards in leadership and medical student teaching.

Dr. Matthews believes that OB/GYN is a unique field of medicine, in which he has the opportunity to provide the best care in regular office visits, as well as finding solutions to challenging situations in the operating room. Dr. Matthews has studied and performed laparoscopic surgery for close to a decade, both with the aid of the da Vinci Robotic Surgical System, as well as with traditional laparoscopic procedures. He continues to look for ways to continue this education and regularly attends seminars on laparoscopic surgery and improving maternal health and outcomes. He places importance and priority on getting to know his patients in a clinical setting, as well as preparing them for one of the most important days of their lives.

In Dr. Matthew’s time outside of the office, he can be found playing hide and seek or riding bikes with his two young boys, Oxford (4) and Henry (2). He also loves the outdoors and spends any time he can on a golf course or exploring North Carolina beaches and traveling with his wife, Jordyn.

Contact This Provider

4414 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 210 Raleigh, NC 27607

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