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participant since 7/20/2023

Kristina Fitzgerald, FNP-BC

98.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 200 ratings

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About Kristina Fitzgerald:

Kristina Fitzgerald is a highly accomplished family nurse practitioner who specializes in comprehensive, innovative patient-centered care.

In December 2014, she received her Master of Nursing degree from the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Connecticut. She earned her Bachelor of Allied Health and Medical Sciences in May 2011 from the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT. She also has a nursing associate's degree from Goodwin College in East Hartford, Connecticut, which she earned in May 2011.

Kristina worked as a labor and delivery nurse at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, CT, before joining the team at Unified Women's Health. During her tenure, she consistently demonstrated her expertise in managing a large volume of high-risk antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum patients.

This experience has enabled her to provide the best care possible, regardless of her patients' circumstances or needs. Kristina's dedication to creating an empowering environment in which patients can be heard, understood, and thrive is what distinguishes her.

Kristina has held active licenses as a registered nurse and an advanced practice registered nurse in the state of Connecticut since 2015. She possesses a range of certifications, including those for electronic fetal monitoring, basic life support, and neonatal resuscitation, to name a few.

Kristina has found a home with Unified Women’s Health, where she is able to practice with a team that carries the same dedication and passion for their patients as she does.

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