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participant since 10/20/2020

Leah Alfino, FNP-C, IBCLC

94.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 382 ratings

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About Leah Alfino:

Leah Alfino is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She joined our team of providers in December of 2018. Leah provides obstetric, gynecological, and lactation care to her patients. Leah values the opportunity to establish and build a comfortable and trusting relationship with her patients, while providing thorough and comprehensive care.

Leah is originally from Southwest Virginia but has resided in North Carolina the last 22 years. Prior to coming to Lakeshore Women’s Specialists, she worked as an OB nurse and lactation consultant at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center for 18 years. Leah and her husband live in Huntersville with their son and daughter. Leah loves spending free time with her family, traveling to watch her son play basketball, and running. Call to schedule an appointment with Leah today.

Contact This Provider

235 Medical Park Rd #201 Mooresville, NC 28117

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