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participant since 01/24/2020

Lakeshore Women's Specialists, PC

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 2317 ratings

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About Lakeshore Women's Specialists, PC:

Lakeshore Women's Specialists, PC, is a full-service OB-GYN practice, specializing in all aspects of women's health and wellness and serving patients from Mooresville, Huntersville, Davidson and Lake Norman, North Carolina. Todd J. Adams, MD, MPH, FACOG and James G. Zolzer, MD, FACOG, along with Physician Assistant Melissa Ranallo, and Nurse Practitioner Leah Alfino are able to provide the highest quality of health care possible for women of all ages.

As a state of the art OB-GYN practice, Lakeshore Women's Specialists, PC, provides many services to its patients. Services include pregnancy care, ultrasounds, incontinence treatment, women’s primary care, lactation care, minimally invasive surgery and other procedures that are vital to a woman's physical and emotional health. The team provides a full range of in-office procedures including Novasure and Minerva endometrial ablation, Essure tubal sterilization, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, and labiaplasty. Lakeshore Women’s Specialists also has a low Cesarean delivery rate, taking every measure to reduce risk with unnecessary surgery for mothers and their babies. Outside of the office, Dr. Adams and Dr. Zolzer are expert vaginal and laparoscopic surgeons. Dr. Zolzer has accreditation from the American Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Both doctors perform minimally invasive surgery for women at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center.

The team of physicians and mid-level providers is able to use a variety of tools and techniques to help develop an accurate diagnosis as well as develop the best possible treatment plan for each patient. Lakeshore Women’s Specialists also has a sister practice at the same location, Lakeshore Renewal, Aesthetics and Weight Loss, which provides weight loss treatment and aesthetic procedures for men and women in the Mooresville, NC, area.

Contact This Practice

235 Medical Park Rd #201 Mooresville, NC 28117

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