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participant since 11/15/2022

Leigh Erica Behring, MD

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 516 ratings

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About Leigh Erica Behring:

Dr. Behring grew up in Alma and completed her undergraduate degree at Alma College. She attended medical school at Wayne State University School of Medicine and did her residency at Beaumont Health System in Royal Oak. She is a board certified OB/GYN and joined the Alliance family in 2014.

Dr. Behring’s areas of special interest are fertility, contraception and caring for women throughout their lives – from adolescence through menopause and beyond.

Outside of work, Dr. Behring enjoys spending time with her family, skiing and reading. She also enjoys traveling and considers her trip to Greece one of her favorite vacations.

Contact This Provider

1560 Turf Ln East Lansing, MI 48823

1100 S Cedar St suite 2 Mason, MI 48854

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