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participant since 3/24/2022

Leslie Van Dyke, PA-C

92.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 712 ratings

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About Leslie Van Dyke:

Leslie has a background in Internal Medicine and has always had an interest in women’s health care. She is excited to work with women to help achieve their goals through all stages of life. Her goal is to promote healthy lifestyle to prevent chronic medical conditions with a team approach from the patient. Educating and providing all options to the patient are important to empower women to help direct their plan of care.

Being a New Bern native, she has always desired to be close to the coast. She enjoys spending time with her family, walking/hiking, boating, and reading. She received her undergraduate BS degree at NC State University in 1997 in Animal Science and went to PA school at East Carolina University, graduating in 2000. She started her career in Family Medicine and transitioned to Internal Medicine in 2007. She is married with 2 teenage children and has a black lab named Bandit.

Contact This Provider

3511 John Platt Dr Morehead City, NC 28557

666 W Corbett Ave #8450 Swansboro, NC 28584

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