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participant since 10/8/2024

Lucey Gavlinski, MD

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 21 ratings

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About Lucey Gavlinski:

I am Dr. Lucey Gavlinski and I am thrilled to join the Green Valley OB-Gyn team and serve the Greensboro and Triad community! Prior to finding my life’s work in medicine, I obtained a Master’s degree in International Development at Tulane University in New Orleans and worked in international public health and disaster response. I attended medical school at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and then completed my training as a full-spectrum obstetrician and gynecologist at Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville, North Carolina.

I am passionate about open communication and connection with my patients. I want to earn your trust and partner with you; whether it’s through your pregnancy and birthing journey, your quest to find the best birth control option for you, or your voyage through the ebbs and flows of perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. I believe in providing compassionate, evidence-based care that is individualized to each patient’s needs, desires, and experiences. My special clinical interests include vulvar disease, pelvic pain, gender diversity, family planning, and surgical modalities including minimally invasive robotics.

Outside of the clinic, hospital, and operating room, I love spending time with my husband, daughter, and our pit bull, Zia. We love traveling, both to spend time with friends at our old stomping grounds in New Orleans and to new places in the U.S. and abroad.

Contact This Provider

719 Green Valley Rd #201 Greensboro, NC 27408

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