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participant since 2/5/2021

Lukasz “Luke” Swistun, MD

96.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 387 ratings

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About Lukasz “Luke” Swistun:

Dr. Luke Swistun is a board-certified plastic surgeon with a background in visual arts and medical military service. He’s known for his artistic approach to plastic surgery and for the close, supportive relationship he forms with every person he treats. Both Dr. Swistun and his wife Dominika (PhD psychologist) were born in Poland, but came to the US in their teens. They have three sons, Kristian, Dorian and Julian.

“The standard I abide by is ‘What would I do if this was my wife? My son?’ And then the answer becomes simple”, says Dr. Swistun who can help you achieve the cosmetic results you’ve been dreaming of.

Dr. Swistun combines a rich visual arts background with years of multi-specialty surgical experience. Dr. Swistun is returning to San Diego from Beverly Hills where he completed an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Fellowship and then joined Dr. William Rahal at Verona Plastic Surgery.

Communication is important to Dr. Swistun. He involves his patients in all pre surgical decision making steps. As part of his in-depth consultation process, for example, he uses VECTRA® 3D imaging so his patients can visualize their results and play an active role in designing them. He is an expert in body sculpting, performing Brazilian butt lift surgery and 360 lipo to create the shape and body that women dream of. His special interests include the treatment of breast implant illnesses for which he is known.

Contact This Provider

9850 Genesee Ave, Suite #130 La Jolla, CA 92037

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