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participant since 7/13/2018

Marc L. Winter, MD

96.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 1206 ratings

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About Marc Winter:

Dr. Winter completed medical school and residency training at the University of California at Irvine College of Medicine and has been practicing in Laguna Hills since 1989. His practice is limited to gynecology and he specializes in minimally invasive surgery. With more than 20 years of experience performing gynecological surgeries, Dr. Winter has invested his energy in developing and offering less invasive procedures to his patients. He is a national expert in Robotic surgery and has experience in performing complex hysterectomy, myomectomies, sacrocolpopexy, endometriosis resection and cerclage. He also has an interest in urogynecology including pelvic reconstructive surgery as well as non-invasive and surgical options for urinary incontinence.

Dr. Winter serves as Medical Director of Minimal Invasive Surgery at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center and has performed over 600 robotic surgical procedures. His was the first surgeon on the West Coast to perform a hysterectomy using robotic single site technology (procedure is performed with a single small incision). Dr. Winter has been designated one of the twenty-three epicenters, or national training sites in benign robotic gynecologic surgery for Intuitive Surgical, the maker of the daVinci Robot. At the Saddleback Memorial Medical Center training ground, Dr. Winter teaches surgeons nationwide the latest in robotic surgical techniques. Patients can expect the most advance care and excellent clinical outcomes.

With his many years of clinical research and several published papers, he teaches advanced gynecologic surgical courses in the community and has had the honor of lecturing/preforming procedures throughout the United States and overseas. He also participates in a national robotic surgery research group known as C.O.M.I.G. (Consortium of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeons).

A man of many talents, Dr. Winter also has an interest in hormone replacement therapy and is a proponent of bio-identical hormones. With the attendance of several hormone replacement therapy conferences over the years he has now implemented a new choice of hormone replacement to his practice, Pellet HRT.

In the mist of his busy clinical profession, he loves to travel, spend time with his family, watch sports and rocking out with friends playing the saxophone.

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