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participant since 12/31/2011

Mark Mason, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1629 ratings

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About Mark Mason:

Dr. Mark Mason is a plastic surgeon and the founder of Southlake Plastic Surgery, located in Southlake Texas. Dr. Mason's goal is to restore a sense of confidence in his patients by making them feel comfortable and cared for during their treatments. Choosing to get plastic surgery is an important decision and Dr. Mason's expertise can lead you in the right direction towards what is best for you. He is well-trained in all aspects of both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

Dr. Mason is a perfectionist, and he wants every detail addressed before, during, and after surgery. He feels that the quality of work of a surgeon is more important than cost or speed. He is honored to have many other physicians, nurses, and their family members as his patients as well as literally thousands of patients from the community.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Contact This Provider

900 E Southlake Blvd, Suite 100 Southlake, TX 76092

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