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participant since 10/17/2023

Marlena Buitrago, ARNP

98.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 566 ratings

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About Marlena Buitrago:

Marlena Buitrago is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She is a proud graduate of the University of Tampa with her Masters degree in Nursing. Marlena is highly motivated to cultivate value in medicine by her passion for providing high quality individualized care. She prides herself upon empowering, educating, advocating for her patients through attentive listening while building and sustaining relationships of all ages across a woman’s lifespan.

Prior to joining A Place For Women she has 20 years of healthcare experience in hematology/oncology, gynecology/oncology, telemetry/medical/surgical medicine; with board certification as an Oncology Certified Nurse. She is a member of the Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nursing Council, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Oncology Nursing Society and Sigma Theta Tau Honors Society.

Marlena’s most cherished accomplishment is a simple “thank you”, from her patients. Some of her awards include Florida West Regional Daisy Award 2018, Wow Nurse of the Year Morton Plant Hospital 2013 and the Florida Organization of Nurse Executives Preceptor Mentor of the Year Award 2019.

In her spare time she enjoys time at the beach, reading, cooking Italian food, spending time with her Family.

Contact This Provider

10011 Seminole Blvd Seminole, FL 33772

1010 Jeffords St Clearwater, FL 33756

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