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Martin O'Toole, MD

95.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 1685 ratings

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About Martin O'Toole:

California native, Dr. Martin O'Toole has been a practicing plastic surgeon in Pasadena since 1988. Since moving to the Pasadena and Beverly Hills area, Dr. O'Toole has become a premier plastic surgeon, highly in demand because of the exceptional, personalized results he is able to achieve with cosmetic surgery. At Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery, he works with a highly accomplished staff to provide patients with quality care and beautiful results.

Dr. O'Toole completed six years of training in general surgery at Huntington Memorial Hospital, including a year as Chief Resident. Subsequently, Dr. O'Toole decided to pursue a career as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and trained for two additional years in this field at Texas A&M University. During this time, he studied breast, body, and facial plastic surgery in addition to specialty areas including microvascular surgery, congenital and cranio-facial surgery, and hand surgery. His aesthetic training emphasized procedures such as endoscopic brow lifts, face lifts, and the use of lasers.

Aside from his plastic surgery practice, Dr. O'Toole also does volunteer work and has dedicated his time towards helping patients who are underprivileged. He is a volunteer faculty member of the surgical residency program at Huntington Memorial Hospital and assists resident physicians in their surgical training. He also has made trips to El Salvador with a group of medical missionaries to operate on poor children with cleft lip and cleft palate deformities.

Furthermore, Dr. O'Toole has earned several awards for his work, including first place prize for his research presentation at the Texas Medical Association convention. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. Dr. O'Toole is also a member of the many professional organizations, such as the American Society of Plastic Surgery, the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation, the California Society of Plastic Surgery, and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Contact This Provider

542 S. Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105

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