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participant since 9/16/2020

Matthew J. Grosso, MD

94.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 2140 ratings

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About Matthew Grosso:

Dr. Matthew Grosso joins the practice in September 2020. Previously a Clinical Fellow in Adult Reconstruction at the Rothman Institute in Philadelphia, Dr. Grosso specializes in hip and knee replacement surgery.

Dr. Grosso Dr. Grosso understands that arthritis of the hip and knee can have a significant impact on quality of life. These conditions can prevent patients from doing their favorite activities and even cause difficulty in performing everyday tasks. Dr. Grosso is an expert at treating patients with these conditions. When the time is right, and non-operative management is no longer helpful, hip and knee replacement surgery may be the best option. These surgeries have some of the most successful outcomes in medicine, with the goal to allow patients to return to the activities that they love, and significantly improve quality of life.

Dr. Grosso’s specialty training in hip and knee replacement surgery, includes utilizing the most modern techniques and implants to ensure the best possible outcome for his patients. For the right patient, his team’s multimodal approach to surgical and post-surgical care can focus on rapid recovery, and in many situations, patients may be able to go home the day of surgery. His approach is to spend time with each patient discussing treatment options to help them understand their condition and find the appropriate management option to help them achieve their goals.

In addition to surgical training at some of the top medical and orthopedic programs in the nation, Dr. Grosso is passionate about advancing the field of hip and knee replacement through state-of-the-art research. He has led multiple nationally recognized award-winning research studies that have helped guide practice strategies for surgeons throughout the country.

Dr. Grosso has specialty training, including:

  • Total hip replacements, utilizing the anterior approach
  • Total knee replacement surgery
  • Robotic surgery of the knee
  • Partial knee replacements
  • Revision surgery of the hip and knee, including complex revision surgery
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