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participant since 5/1/2024

Melissa Pruitt, FNP

90.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 108 ratings

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About Melissa Pruitt:

Missy earned her MSN at the University of Phoenix. With more than twenty years of experience in the medical field, Missy has specifically worked in Labor and Delivery for sixteen years. She is easily adaptable to an ever-changing environment leading her to a Charge Nurse, Preceptor, Triage, and Clinical Nurse Leader positions. This experience has helped Missy to effectively and efficiently work with a team while balancing patient and medical priorities. Missy Pruitt has a passion for learning which led her to pursue the Family Nurse Practitioner degree.

Contact This Provider

4600 S Park Ave # 6B Tucson, AZ 85714

655 E River Road, STE 201 Tucson, AZ 85704

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