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participant since 4/19/2022

Miles Reeves, MD

96.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 805 ratings

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About Miles Reeves:

Summerville-native, Dr. Miles Reeves joined Lowcountry Women’s Specialists in the Summer of 2021. Dr. Reeves provides comprehensive OB/GYN services, including routine wellness visits, high-risk pregnancy management, and minimally-invasive surgery and obstetrics in both the Summerville and Carnes Crossroads offices.

Dr. Reeves was the Valedictorian of his class at Pinewood Preparatory School, and is a graduate of Clemson University. He received his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mercer University School of Medicine. Dr. Reeves enjoys relaxing with friends and family at home or on the water, golf, fishing, volunteering, and has won multiple karaoke contests. In July 2021, he and his wife India, a nurse practitioner in emergency and family medicine, married, and they made their home in Carnes Crossroads. Dr. Reeves is the son of longtime Lowcountry Women’s Specialists physician and community leader, Dr. William “Bo” Reeves and Lee Reeves. His sisters Molly and Gracie are both local school teachers.

Contact This Provider

1801 2nd Ave Summerville, SC 29486

83 Springview Ln Summerville, SC 29485

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