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participant since 12/17/2020

Nikita Wilkes, MD

97.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1099 ratings

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Nikita  Wilkes, MD

(904) 262-5333

About, locations & contact info

About Nikita Wilkes:

Dr. Wilkes joined SRB OBGYN after completing her residency at the University of Florida’s Department of OB/GYN. She is a passionate champion of women’s healthcare education and delivers expert healthcare services to her patients.

Throughout her professional and undergraduate careers, Dr. Wilkes has dedicated an extensive amount of her personal time volunteering with organizations which are focused women’s issues.

An enthusiastic proponent of cutting edge technology, she is excited about the myriad advances in Gynecology treatments and has been trained in the latest laparoscopic techniques.

Dr. Wilkes appreciates the privilege to serve women of all ages as she enjoys providing them with the highest level of care and compassion.

Contact This Provider

11945 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32223

13241 Bartram Park Blvd, Building 2201 Jacksonville, FL 32258

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