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participant since 11/2/2020

Octavia M. Cannon, DO

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 930 ratings

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About Octavia Cannon:

Dr. Octavia Cannon is a native of East Lansing and has returned home from Charlotte, North Carolina where she served as the Director of Women’s Health at Gaston County Health Department and also practiced at Arboretum ObGyn for 22 years.

Dr. Cannon completed her undergraduate degree with Honors from Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, N.C. She completed her medical training at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Miami, FL. Dr. Cannon returned to Michigan to complete her residency training at St. John/Detroit Riverview Hospital and Hutzel Hospital.

Her areas of special interest include working with adolescent and teenage patients, LGBT patients, PCOS, contraceptive options, vaginitis and fibroids.

Dr. Cannon is the Past President of the American College of Osteopathic OBGYNs (ACOOG). In 2018, she was the first African American President of this national organization, which was founded in 1934.

She enjoys community service, educating people about Women’s Health, and is thrilled to be back home close to her family.

Contact This Provider

1560 Turf Ln East Lansing, MI 48823

1100 S Cedar St suite 2 Mason, MI 48854

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