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participant since 9/15/2022

Olivia Carpinello, MD

94.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 357 ratings

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About Olivia Carpinello:

Dr. Olivia Carpinello is a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist who is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology.

Dr. Carpinello received her undergraduate degree in nutritional sciences from Cornell University and then followed in the footsteps of her maternal grandmother, grandfather and great-grandfather and attended the University of Vermont College of Medicine for medical school.

After completing residency at the University of Connecticut where she was recognized for her commitment to teaching, Dr. Carpinello worked as a staff clinician at The National Institutes of Health under the mentorship of Dr. Alan DeCherney, a leader in the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility. She subsequently completed her fellowship training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the National Institutes of Health.

Throughout her training, Dr. Carpinello has been passionate about reproductive research and has a particular interest in third-party reproduction. She has presented her research at national conferences such as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Society for Reproductive Investigation and Pacific Coast Reproductive Society and has multiple first-author publications in journals, such as Fertility and Sterility and F&S Reports.

Dr. Carpinello is eager to help you achieve your family-building goals in a compassionate and evidence-driven manner. She joined CCRM because she believes that CCRM offers a unique combination of traits that results in the best care: physicians trained at one of the top fellowship programs in the country, a high-quality laboratory, and personalized care. These traits combine to create the perfect opportunity for success on your journey.

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