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Scott Bissell, MD

95.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 2191 ratings

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About Scott Bissell:

Dr. Bissell is a specialist in orthopedic sports medicine with a specialty focus on arthroscopic and open surgery of the Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, and Knee. He is a member of the Connecticut Sports Medicine Institute (CMSI) at St. Francis and performs joint replacements at the Connecticut Joint Replacement Institute (CJRI) at St. Francis.

He is a specialist in performing rotator cuff repairs, shoulder instability surgery, knee ACL reconstructions, patellar instability surgery, and meniscus repairs. He frequently sees patients for second opinions. He has a specialty interest in treating clavicle fractures.

Dr. Bissell cares for a wide variety of injuries including:

  • Shoulder instability
  • Knee ligament injuries
  • Elbow ligament and tendon injuries
  • Arthritis and joint replacement
  • Neck and back injuries/sprains/strains

He looks to provide you with the information and tools with which to make the best decisions you can for your orthopedic needs. He works closely with other medical specialists and physical therapists to provide a comprehensive approach to your care.

Dr. Scott Bissell attended Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, graduating summa cum laude. He received his medical degree from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, CT. He then went on to complete his internship in general surgery and residency in orthopedic surgery at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY.

He completed a fellowship in orthopedic sports medicine at the world renowned Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. During his fellowship at Kerlan-Jobe, he had the opportunity to work as an Assistant Team Physician for many of Southern California’s professional sports teams including MLB (Dodgers and Angels), MLS (LA Galaxy), NBA (Los Angeles Lakers), WNBA (Los Angeles Sparks), NHL (LA Kings, Anaheim Ducks). While in fellowship, Dr. Bissell gained particular expertise in the evaluation and treatment of injuries in high-level throwing athletes.

Dr. Bissell is the official team physician for several Connecticut schools, including: Bloomfield High, Windsor High, and Suffield High; as well as being one of the official team physicians for Hartford Athletics.

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