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participant since 10/17/2024

Shanice Akoto, MD

98.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 112 ratings

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About Shanice Akoto:

Dr. Akoto earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Biology from Michigan State University. She then attended Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine where she completed a dual degree program, earning both her Doctor of Medicine and Master of Public Health degrees. After graduating in 2020, she began her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Christiana Care, finishing in 2024. She is excited to bring her skills and passion for women’s health to WLW!

Dr. Akoto is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and supporting women throughout all stages of life, from adolescence to menopause. She is particularly interested in preventative medicine and reducing health care disparities. Some of her clinical interests include cervical cancer screening, contraception and family planning, infertility workup, pregnancy loss, fibroid treatment (both surgical and non-surgical), treating abnormal uterine bleeding, and delivering excellent care during pregnancy and postpartum. She also enjoys helping women as they transition through perimenopause and menopause. While Dr. Akoto enjoys surgical procedures, she is most fulfilled from building relationships with her patients and being present during the significant moments in their lives. Her goal is to support patients in achieving health and wellness throughout their lifespans.

Outside of work, Dr. Akoto enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She and her husband live in Middletown, DE with their two-year-old son. She enjoys traveling, especially exploring new countries and visiting family in Ghana. In her free time, she also enjoys attending sports events, watching movies, trying out new local restaurants, cooking, exercising, and spending time outdoors.

Contact This Provider

5661 Ocheltree Lane Wilmington, DE 19808

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