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participant since 7/13/2018

Sheila Dejbakhsh, MD

96.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1299 ratings

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About Sheila Dejbakhsh:

Dr. Dejbakhsh completed her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Los Angeles. She then went on to receive her medical degree from the University of California, San Diego, followed by a Master's degree in Public Health at Columbia University. She completed her residency at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Dr. Dejbakhsh pursued Obstetrics and Gynecology because of her passion for individualized women's health. She enjoys providing longitudinal care to her patients through every stage of their life. She has strong interests in pre-conception counseling, complicated obstetrics, postpartum care, family planning, and management of fibroids. She is particularly interested in minimally invasive surgical technique with laparoscopy and the robotic-assisted surgery, and was the recipient of the Recognition of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology award during her residency.

In her free time, Dr. Dejbakhsh enjoys running, hiking, traveling and spending time with her family and friends. Dr. Dejbakhsh was born and raised in Orange County in the city of Irvine, and is very excited to return back to serve her community.

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