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participant since 11/22/2022

Shelrel Berry, MSN, APRN, CNM

93.8% Patient Satisfaction based on 296 ratings

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About Shelrel Berry:

Shelrel was born in a small city in rural Alabama, the daughter of a farmer and a homemaker, and seventh of nine children. Shelrel acknowledges that her love for midwifery started at an early age when she was introduced to a lay midwife when she was just an adolescent. This sparked an interest in nursing, particularly, labor and delivery nursing. At that moment she realized that it was God’s plan for her to pursue nursing and subsequently midwifery as a career and what she refers to as her ministry. She believes that midwifery is a gift given to her to be “with women” encouraging and empowering them through one of the most miraculous moments in life.

Shelrel received her Bachelors of Science in Nursing in 1986 and Masters of Science in Nursing in 1994 from Troy University. She received a second Master’s of Science in Nursing as an Advanced Nursing Practitioner with a Specialty in Midwifery from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1996. She has worked as a registered nurse primarily in Maternal Child Nursing in the Labor and Delivery, Post-partum, and Nursery Units. After completing her Midwifery Certification in 1997 she began her midwifery career in Troy, Alabama and has been providing midwifery care for over 22 years throughout south and southwest Alabama, and southwest Georgia.

Shelrel is married to Willie Frank Berry and they have four children and currently six grandchildren. Shelrel’s husband is a veteran of the U.S. Army and retired police investigator. They are a family-oriented couple that enjoys serving God by serving others. Shelrel also enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends. She is extremely excited and thankful that she is able to continue to provide women with caring, compassionate and comprehensive quality health care at Emerald Coast OBGYN.

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103 E 23rd St Panama City, FL 32405

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