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participant since 1/17/2023

Stephanie Welsh, CNM, MSN

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 247 ratings

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About Stephanie Welsh:

A 1995 graduate of Syracuse University with a BS in Communications, and a 2002 graduate of Yale University with a Master of Science in Nursing, Stephanie is a certified nurse-midwife at Mansfield Ob/Gyn. She is a member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives and a clinical instructor for Yale University School of Nursing.

Stephanie worked as a photojournalist — most recently as a staff photographer for the Palm Beach Post — until 1999, when she left photojournalism to pursue a career in midwifery. Her journalism honors include the 1996 Pulitzer Prize in feature photography for a photographic essay on female circumcision in Kenya. She has photographs in the permanent collections of The Richard F. Brush Art Gallery at St Lawrence University and The Newseum in Washington, DC. She has lectured widely on issues of bodily integrity and women, as well as social, political, and psychological consequences of female circumcision.

Her practice as a midwife centers on individualized obstetric and gynecologic care for women of all ages, emphasizing patient education and health advocacy. Ms. Welsh is actively involved in Centering Pregnancy, a model of group prenatal care offered in our practice that provides a dynamic atmosphere for learning in pregnancy and beyond.

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