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participant since 10/31/2022

Vicki Traxler, PA-C

98.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 777 ratings

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About Vicki Traxler:

Vicki Traxler is a board-certified Physician Assistant.

Vicki has over 30 years experience in medicine with 20-plus years in obstetrics/ gynecology and 10 years in neurosurgery. As a physician assistant, she takes courses, attends lectures and accumulates CME (Continuing Medical Education) credits and continues to sit for her board exams every six years. This allows her to stay on top of the most recent and relevant information regarding her patients health. Her ongoing education and experience contribute to her very high and professional standards in medicine.

Vicki enjoys getting to know her patients and takes the time necessary to review and explain conditions, diagnoses and possible treatment plans. Patients that are new to Vicki are very quickly at ease with her. Her always-ready smile and gracious ways relay to new patients their importance to her as persons as well as patients.

Contact This Provider

1660 Medical Blvd Suite 300 Naples, FL 34110

90 Cypress Way E Suite 40 Naples, FL 34110

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