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participant since 12/23/2022

Virginie Eklund, CNM, MSN

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 142 ratings

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About Virginie Eklund:

Virginie Eklund, CNM, MSN, joined OBGYN and Midwifery of Connecticut in April 2019. She earned her BA from American University, an Associates of Science in Nursing (MSN) at Keiser University, and an MS in Nursing, Midwifery (CNM) from Frontier Nursing University.

Inspired by the birth of her daughter to become a midwife, she has over nine years of experience in nursing related to labor and delivery, postpartum care and education, across, Colorado, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Virginie has managed both in-hospital and out-of-hospital births, having completed her midwifery clinical experience at the Connecticut Childbirth and Women’s Center.

Building on her experience as a full-scope CNM in New London for over a year, Virginie’s passion is inspired by midwifery’s focus on education, evidenced-based practice, and individualized patient-centered care. She takes the time to provide her patients with the education, tools, and options to achieve their goal of a physiologic birth. She is a member of the American College of Nurse Midwives and the Connecticut Perinatal Association.

Virginie is fluent in French and speaks conversational Spanish. She lives with her husband Craig and two children, Zoe and Loic in Hamden. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, photography, painting, yoga, and visiting family in France.

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