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Zenette M. Leao, MD, FACOG

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1145 ratings

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About Zenette Leao:

Dr. Zenette Leao is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dr. Leao earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia. She then excelled at Eastern Virginia Medical School where she was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Her training continued at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C., where she completed her internship and residency.

“As a gynecologist I am a teacher, a confidant, a problem solver, and a healer,” says Dr. Leao. “I love improving the quality of life for thousands of women through behavioral, medical and surgical interventions. It is immensely gratifying to cure disease and to alleviate symptoms for women throughout their pre, peri, and postmenopausal years.”

Dr. Leao says no question is too embarrassing to ask your gynecologist. “We’re here to help and we’ve heard it all.”

Dr. Leao is a native of Hampton Roads and has been serving the community in private practice since 2004. She is married and the proud mother of three boys. In her spare time (when not participating in sports with her children), she enjoys reading.

Contact This Provider

516 Innovation Dr Ste 305 Chesapeake, VA 23320

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