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participant since 06/24/2012

Stephens Plastic Surgery

96.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 1699 ratings

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About Stephens Plastic Surgery:

Dr. David Stephens is a board certified plastic surgeon located in Bellevue, Washington. Dr. Stephens and his highly experienced staff offer many types of services including procedures for facial rejuvenation, breast enhancement, body sculpting, and non-surgical skin and laser treatments. Dr. Stephens has over 18 years of experience as a plastic surgeon and has been nationally recognized for his position in the introduction and advancements of endoscopic surgery of the face and breast. His research has also led to the introduction of minimum incision techniques in procedures such as mini-abdominoplasty. These advances have changed the nature of plastic surgery allowing for smaller incisions, with less invasive techniques.

Dr. Stephens’ approach to cosmetic surgery integrates both the body and mind to promote overall health. He will strive to help patients reach their goals and as well as achieve results that help patients look and feel their best. 

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