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participant since 01/23/2020

Wayne Women's Clinic, P.A.

96.6% Patient Satisfaction based on 3827 ratings

Scroll down to read and filter verified real patient reviews for Wayne Women's Clinic, P.A. . You can also see locations, or contact Wayne Women's Clinic, P.A. right here at RealPatientRatings®.

Based on 3827 ratings
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4 Stars (375)
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1 Star (24)
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Providers at this practice:
Stephen Lies, MD Stephen Lies, MD
967 Ratings
Melissa Black, CNM Melissa Black, CNM
106 Ratings
John Welsh, Jr., MD John Welsh, Jr., MD
563 Ratings
Katlyn Rhodes, PA-C Katlyn Rhodes, PA-C
772 Ratings
Lori Spisak, MD Lori Spisak, MD
126 Ratings
Nellena Adekoya, MD Nellena Adekoya, MD
192 Ratings
Benjamin Kitchin, CNM Benjamin Kitchin, CNM
173 Ratings
Jomeka Mowery, CNM Jomeka Mowery, CNM
282 Ratings
Virginia Wade, CNM Virginia Wade, CNM
193 Ratings
About, locations & contact info

About Wayne Women's Clinic, P.A.:

In service to women’s health for over fifty years, Wayne Women’s Clinic maintains its commitment to offering dedicated professional care to our patients and the community. We believe in attending to the health and well being of our patients in a personable supportive environment. With our values strengthened by our past, we look to the future to provide the best accepted advances in women’s health care. We continually work to provide our patients the best care currently available with medical, surgical, and lifestyle measures.

Our practice is devoted solely to obstetrics and gynecology. This includes female urology, endocrinology, infertility, family planning, and office and operative gynecology. When you have problems that fall outside our specialty, we will assist you in locating an appropriate specialist or family physician and work closely with him or her.

For gynecologic care you will have your own personal provider. Since we are associates and function as a team, one of us is always available for your immediate needs. Obstetric care is provided totally within the “team” concept, and obstetric patients are cared for by all of us, both for prenatal care and at the time of delivery.

More than any other medical specialty, the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology requires mutual understanding, respect, and confidence. We strive to offer you the best and highest standards of medical care and request that you reciprocate by having confidence in our judgment. If you have questions, please convey them to us and never hesitate to request another opinion if you have doubts.

Contact This Practice

102 Handley Park Ct Goldsboro, NC 27534

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