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participant since 08/10/2023

Gynecology & Laparoscopic Surgeons, PC

98.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 1305 ratings

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About Gynecology & Laparoscopic Surgeons, PC:

At Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgeons, PC, our physicians offer the ideal balance of experience and compassion. Our three female gynecologists are not only highly trained and experienced surgeons, but are warm and caring individuals who understand the medical concerns women face.

Focusing on minimally invasive surgical techniques and other non-surgical treatment options, our goal is to provide comprehensive gynecological care in a warm and welcoming environment. In fact, patients often say it’s easy to confuse our medical facility with that of a relaxing health spa.

When you first enter our office, you’ll be met by a friendly face at check-in and a warmly decorated reception area complete with complimentary beverage bar. The reception area is small because you will rarely wait long before being ushered into an examination room appointed with lovely custom furniture. You’ll then change into a cotton – not paper – bathrobe. These extra special touches, along with the caring attitudes of the doctors and staff, contribute to the warm and welcoming atmosphere you’ll experience while in our care.

Contact This Practice

10941 Raven Ridge Rd STE 109 Raleigh, NC 27614

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