La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre

La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
6351 Ratings | 95.4% Satisfaction
5 Stars (5288)
4 Stars (807)
3 Stars (129)
2 Stars (87)
1 Star (40)
Provider's bedside manner
Medical support team
Admin staff
Care & concern
Educated me
Wait time
Value for the price
Facility & amenities
Likelihood to recommend
Likelihood to return

Phone: (858) 452-1981


Address: 9850 Genesee Ave, Suite #130, La Jolla, CA 92037

Specialty: Cosmetic Surgery

At La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre, we understand that choosing a plastic surgeon is a very personal decision. We make every effort to create a welcoming, comfortable environment that ensures privacy and confidentiality.

In a beautiful fusion of art and technology, our 12,000 square foot Centre provides a peaceful ambiance. The decor is comfortable and homelike so you and your friends or family can relax during your visits.

Your well-being is of utmost importance to us. Our Centre is equipped to hospital standards, our anesthesiologists are board-certified, and registered nurses assigned to your operating suite are certified in advanced cardiac life support.

After surgery, a nurse will be with you throughout your stay in the recovery room. You can rest assured that our qualified, caring staff will make every effort to keep you safe and comfortable during every stage of the process.

Photo Filter:
Before and after photos of a breast lift procedure in a woman, front view, markedly lifted breasts.

Before and after photos of a breast reduction in a woman, front view with markedly smaller, lifted breasts.

Before and after photos of a face lift procedure in a woman, front view showing a smoother, lifted face.
Before and after photos of a breast augmentation in a woman, front view with larger, more lifted breasts.

Before and after photos of a liposuction procedure in a man, front view with markedly less abdominal fat and more defined muscles Before and after photos of a tummy tuck procedure in a woman, side view with a markedly flatter stomach.
Before and after photos of a breast augmentation in a woman, front view with larger, more lifted breasts.

Before and after photos of a breast implant revision in a woman, front view showing even breasts and revision of botched scar.

Before and after photos of a face lift procedure in a woman, front view showing natural looking, more youthful face Before and after photos of a chin augmentation in a woman, side view showing tighter, smoother chin and neck area Before-and-after images of a facelift procedure in a man, front view showcasing a smoother, rejuvenated, and more youthful-looking face post-surgery.
Before-and-after images of a mommy makeover, front view highlighting noticeably lifted breasts and a flatter, more sculpted abdomen post-surgery.

Before-and-after images of eyelid surgery in a man, front view showcasing lifted eyelids and more open, youthful, and refreshed eyes post-procedure. Before-and-after images of rhinoplasty, side view highlighting a refined, smaller, and more feminine nose post-surgery. Before-and-after images of liposuction, side view showing significantly reduced abdominal fat and more defined contours post-procedure.
Before-and-after images of breast augmentation, front view showcasing enhanced, fuller, and more lifted breasts post-surgery.

Before-and-after images of breast implant removal, front view highlighting natural, symmetrical breasts post-surgery.

Before-and-after images of rhinoplasty, side view highlighting a more refined and straighter nose post-surgery.
Lori Saltz, MD (retired) Lori Saltz, MD (retired)
1431 Ratings | 94.4% Satisfaction
Michael Roark, MD (retired) Michael Roark, MD (retired)
613 Ratings | 96.2% Satisfaction
Johan Brahme, MD Johan Brahme, MD
1391 Ratings | 94.8% Satisfaction
Ervin Wheeler, MD, FACS (retired) Ervin Wheeler, MD, FACS (retired)
471 Ratings | 95.2% Satisfaction
Diana Breister Ghosh, MD Diana Breister Ghosh, MD
211 Ratings | 95.8% Satisfaction
Gerald Haas, MD, Weight Loss Program Director Gerald Haas, MD, Weight Loss Program Director
13 Ratings | 93.8% Satisfaction
Kiersten Riedler, MD Kiersten Riedler, MD
245 Ratings | 97.4% Satisfaction
Hector Salazar-Reyes, MD, FACS Hector Salazar-Reyes, MD, FACS
523 Ratings | 96.6% Satisfaction
John Smoot, MD, FACS John Smoot, MD, FACS
1153 Ratings | 95.0% Satisfaction
Lukasz “Luke” Swistun, MD Lukasz “Luke” Swistun, MD
391 Ratings | 96.8% Satisfaction

Practice Review Filters