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participant since 04/01/2020

Capital Women's Care: Division 24

96.0% Patient Satisfaction based on 6324 ratings

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About Capital Women's Care: Division 24:

Capital Women's Care is an obstetrics and gynecologic practice serving women in Rockville and Silver Spring, Maryland. As one of the founding practices of Capital Women's Care, they continue to follow their guiding philosophy of providing the highest quality medical care in an environment that nurtures the spirit of caring for each woman. Every member of their staff has extensive medical experience that's delivered with compassion, a focus on listening to each patient, and providing customized care.

The physicians are dedicated and experienced in minimally invasive GYN surgery, including the da Vinci robotic system.

They provide excellent care for all women during pregnancy, including both low- and high-risk pregnancies. Each office has up-to-date ultrasound techniques for 2D and 3D sonograms during a woman's pregnancy.

CWC 24's scope of gynecological care includes contraception, preconception counseling, and diagnosis and treatment of health concerns such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, menstrual disorders, vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), ovarian cysts, urinary tract infections (UTIs), urinary incontinence, disorders of breasts, osteoporosis, and women's health care screenings. In addition, all the physicians perform minimally invasive procedures for management of any of the above problems. Our Rockville office provides DEXA scans to screen for osteoporosis.

Contact This Practice

2301 Research Blvd., Suite 215 Rockville, MD 20850

10801 Lockwood Drive, Suite 290 Silver Spring, MD 20901

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